Olaf: Overly Fast Acoustic Fingerprinting

ISMIR 2020 LBD - Dynamic Poster

September 2020 - IPEM - Ghent University - Belgium

Olaf: Overly Fast Acoustic Fingerprinting

Olaf is a landmark based acoustic fingerprinting system. It stands out for three reasons: Olaf is...

  1. designed for embedded platforms
  2. fast on traditional computers
  3. runs in the browser

Olaf on embedded devices

Here Olaf runs on an ESP32 microcontroller.

The microcontroller is embedded in a smart costume and is battery powered.

Lights in the costume only react to a single, preditermined song.

Only when that song is played: the costume lights up.

When the music stops, the match is kept for a while to support interruptions.

After a while the lights stop...

....until the song starts again.

Olaf on traditional computers

Olaf has a CLI interface to store and query audio.
Audio is processed at speeds over 1000xrealtime.

Olaf in the browser

  • Olaf is programmed in ANSI C.
  • Emscripten is able to compile ANSI C to WASM. This enables Olaf to run in the browser.
  • The Web Audio API allows to capture microphone input.

Olaf in the browser

Olaf in the browser - Live

This demo requires access to the microphone and WebGL. It also needs to run from a server. Either use the hosted version or self-host.

Olaf: Overly Fast Acoustic Fingerprinting

More info:
ISMIR LBD Abstract | GitHub Repository

Olaf on:
My Blog | HACKADAY | Hacker News

Olaf: Overly Fast Acoustic Fingerprinting

ISMIR 2020 LBD - Dynamic Poster

September 2020 - IPEM - Ghent - Belgium